// initialize profile properties
var g_CurrentUserProfileProperties = "";
var g_CurrentUserName = "";
var g_CurrentUserCountry = "";
var g_CurrentUserLanguage = "";
var g_CurrentUserAccountName = "";
var g_CurrentUserWorkEmail = "";
<!-- div that will be appended with the found items -->
<div id="divContentContainer"></div>
<!-- script that will do the deed -->
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function ($) {
var e = ExecuteOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(DisplaySearchResults, "sp.js");
function DisplaySearchResults()
function CallloadCurrentUserDataWhenScriptIsloaded()
SP.SOD.executeOrDelayUntilScriptLoaded(loadCurrentUserData, 'SP.UserProfiles.js');
function loadCurrentUserData()
//Get Current Context
var clientContext = new SP.ClientContext.get_current();
//Get Instance of People Manager Class
var peopleManager = new SP.UserProfiles.PeopleManager(clientContext);
//Get properties of the current user
userProfileProperties = peopleManager.getMyProperties();
//Execute the Query.
clientContext.executeQueryAsync(onloadCurrentUserDataSuccess, onloadCurrentUserDataFail);
function onloadCurrentUserDataSuccess() {
// Get ProfileProperties object
g_CurrentUserProfileProperties = userProfileProperties.get_userProfileProperties();
// Get specific properties
g_CurrentUserName = userProfileProperties.get_displayName();
g_CurrentUserCountry = g_CurrentUserProfileProperties['Country'];
g_CurrentUserLanguage = g_CurrentUserProfileProperties['Language'];
g_CurrentUserAccountName = g_CurrentUserProfileProperties['AccountName'];
g_CurrentUserWorkEmail = g_CurrentUserProfileProperties['WorkEmail'];
if (g_CurrentUserCountry != null && g_CurrentUserCountry != undefined)
var basePath = "https://jwiersem.sharepoint.com/sites/hrs-content/_api/";
var aFullQuery = "search/query?Querytext='HRS_Country=" + g_CurrentUserCountry + "'&selectproperties='Url,Title,PublishingImage'";
url: basePath + aFullQuery,
type: "GET",
headers: { "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose" },
success: function (data) {
error: function (data) {
//output error HERE
alert('Error api call 1: ' + data.statusText);
function onloadCurrentUserDataFail(sender, args) {
alert("Error: " + args.get_message());
function ItemsFound(data)
//script to build UI HERE
//get the details for each item
var listData = data.d.query.PrimaryQueryResult.RelevantResults.Table.Rows.results;
if (listData != null && listData != undefined)
var itemCount = listData.length;
var processedCount = 0;
var ul = $("<ul>");
for (i = 0; i < listData.length; i++) {
var aCurrentItem = listData[i].Cells.results;
var aCurrentItemURI = GetValueFromArray(aCurrentItem, "Url");
var aCurrentItemTitle = GetValueFromArray(aCurrentItem, "Title");
var aCurrentItemImageHTML = GetValueFromArray(aCurrentItem, "PublishingImage");
aCurrentItemImageHTML = unescape(aCurrentItemImageHTML);
// Show only the pages with the same language as the user's preferences
var aIsCurrentUserLanguageItem = IsCurrentUserLanguageItemOrGlobal(aCurrentItemURI, g_CurrentUserLanguage);
if (aIsCurrentUserLanguageItem)
var htmlStr = "";
var aLink = "<a href='" + aCurrentItemURI + "'>" + aCurrentItemImageHTML + "</a>";
var aTitleSpan = "<span>" + aCurrentItemTitle + "</span>";
var aFullDiv = "<div>" + aLink + aTitleSpan + "</div>";
htmlStr += "<li>" + aFullDiv + "</li>";
} // end for all items in listData
function IsCurrentUserLanguageItemOrGlobal(aCurrentItemURI, aCurrentUserLanguage)
var Yesitis = ((aCurrentItemURI.toLowerCase().indexOf(aCurrentUserLanguage) >= 0) || (aCurrentItemURI.toLowerCase().indexOf("global") >= 0));
return Yesitis;
function GetValueFromArray(aArray, aKey)
var aReturnValue = "";
var aCounter = 0;
if (aArray != null && aArray != undefined && aArray.length > 0)
if (aKey != null && aKey != undefined)
$.each(aArray, function(key, value)
var bKey = aArray[key]["Key"];
if (bKey == aKey)
aReturnValue = aArray[key]["Value"];
if (aCounter > 1)
console.log('Error in GetValueFromArray: Multiple entries foudn in array with the same key');
if (aReturnValue == undefined || aReturnValue == null || aReturnValue == "")
console.log('Error in GetValueFromArray: Key not found in array');
return aReturnValue;