Thursday, December 14, 2017

Provision a Microsoft Flow to a new site

What if...
... you had developed a site provisioning process that creates a new SharePoint site based on a great, custom PnP template.
... all the sites are created identically or have certain identical list, columns, content types.
... the process starts from the creation of a new list item in SharePoint.
... it even reports back to the list to say that it has successfully finished creating the site!

Super sweet! All is well.
Or not? What if the client wants to have a Microsoft Flow (running on new item created in a list) in all of the newly provisioned sites? That smells trouble!

Guess what? Thanks to new Flow management actions in MS Flow it is now possible to build reusable Flows and have them listen to a new list in a newly created site!

Here's how to do it, in general steps. You'll have to adapt it to fit your unique case.

You already have a Flow that runs after the sites have been created, and it has access to the URL of the new site.
Now create the 'template flow'. This is the flow that will have to be deployed on all your new team/project sites.
Create a very simple Flow in order to follow this procedure without too much trouble. Call it something like ReusableFlowMaster
The 'template flow'. Starts when an item is added to a list.
This is a pretty bad example because it updates the same item it runs on, so it will loop a few times. Who cares! It's not about this Flow.

Now that you have a new Flow, you probably think: This Flow holds a unique URL and unique GUIDs to the list it runs on. How are we going to make it reusable..?

From your main Flow that runs after site creation, we 're going to add a few Flow management actions and instantiate a new Flow (based on the ReusableFlowMaster flow) that is connected to a freshly created site.

1. Add an action and search for Flow.
2. Select the action Get Flow and select the ReusableFlowMaster
3. Create a new Compose action. Set it to the Flow definition that comes from the Get Flow action.
4. Now we're going to replace all the URLs and Guids that the Flow depends on so it points to a different list in a different site.
5. Add a new Compose action and put in the expression:
replace(string(outputs('ComposeActionThatHoldsFlowDefinition')), 'originalUrl', 'newSiteUrl') where originalUrl is the site the ReusableFlowMaster works on, and newSiteUrl is the URL to your newly created site. Note that we're casting the Flow Definition to a string and than replacing the old url with the new url.
6. Add a new compose action and put in the expression:
replace(outputs('New_Flow_Definition_-_replace_URL'), toLower('originalListGuid'), toLower('newlistGuid'))
where originalListGuid is the GUID to the list the ReusableFlowMaster works on, and new Guid is the Guid to the new list in the New site. How to get that is out of the scope of this article, doh!
7. Add a new Compose action and parse the previous actions' output to JSON:
PS: Don't give the actions such long titles :-)
8. I'm not sure this is necessary but i'm doing it anyway. Initialize a new variable of type Object and set it to the output of the JSON Parse Compose action. Call it something like FinalJsonObject
9. Now add a new Flow management action - Create Flow. Fill in the following:
Flow display name:  concat(body('GetReusableFlowTest')['properties']['displayName'],guid()). This is an expression, you can select the first part of the concat method by seleting the Display name property of the Get Flow action. You're appending a guid here to the title of the flow in order to make it unique.
Flow definition: Put in your variable FinalJsonObject
Flow state: Select started because you want it to do something right!?
Connection references: Select the button that says you want to input an array. Select the same connections that you got from the Get Flow action.
10. You're done!
11. Run the flow.
12. It Fails!!! Oh noes! The error is something along the lines of 'request is invalid and could not be serialized at line 4 column 1929'.

Ok, what you have run into is an issue with the MS Flow GUI. The way it has saved the variable with the FinalJSonObject does not work with the Create Flow action. Luckily a certain John Liu already found a solution.
What you need to do is export this flow to a zip file. Unpack the zip and in it (a few folders deep) is a definition.json file. Open it and search for @{variables .
You will find, for example: "@{variables('FinalJsonObject')}"
FinalJsonObject is the variable name you chose to put in the Create Flow parameter Flow Definition.
This syntax is incorrect. It needs to be like this "@variables('temp')" so without the accolades {}
Save the file and put together the zip file again in the same way as you unpacked it.

Upload the zip to Flow and give the Flow a new name. This one should work!
You can also still edit this flow, but I assume you should not touch the Create Flow action anymore otherwise you'll have to take the steps of manually editing the flow definition again.

Your main Flow will now generate a new, unique Flow based on a 'template' and attach it to a freshly created site!

Word of warning: Seriously test this solution if you want to use it, and think about how you would do about updating all the instances of the ReusableFLowTemplate once you've created dozens of Flows connected to new sites. I just did this as a Proof of Concept, it's not a solution of industrial strength.
Also, in case you want a more extensive Flow in the site, take note that anything unique in the Flow related to the site, URLs, lists, etc will have to be replaced by the actual values for the new site you're connecting to. If all your sites are provisioned with PnP a lot of the Guids of content types and columns will already be the same in each site. but for example list Guids are always unique. You will need to save the ReusableFlowMaster to JSON and check out the contents to see what you have to update in it.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Offline SharePoint Online site!

What I've shown in the video is how you can use a SharePoint site to serve as an mobile app that works offline!

The magic happens when you first enter the SharePoint site (and have authenticated on it): a piece of code is registered that makes the website available offline (a so called serviceworker). Next to this the data (that is stored online in Google Firebase) is synced to your device as well.
Now you can go offline and still use the App/site. I've built it so you can add reactions to a vacancy which are stored locally on your device. When you go back online, these reactions are synced to a SharePoint library.

So what's the point you might ask. Well, setting up a SharePoint site to be a real (single page) App allows for a great user experience on mobile and desktop with which you could let users file expense reports, book holidays, search for colleagues by expertise, etc. etc. For now, the new modern SharePoint experience does not support full page apps or customizing page layouts/masterpage so it works fast, has full branding and has an optimal user experience. By overriding the normal SharePoint experience with a SPA all this is possible without any modification to SharePoint except setting the homepage to an html page and uploading some html, js and css files.

Using this technique of registering a serviceworker to allow offline use of a website has the following pros:
  • Your SharePoint App is usable offline.
  • You can use sharepoint capabilities like identity, profile, lists, search when online and sync offline data to the site when going back online.
  • You can design a great looking App on SharePoint that works perfectly on desktop and mobile phone.
  • It's a website sothere's no need to put your App in the Google or iOS stores.
  • You can provide access to the App to your whole organization, or to specific users. And also to external users through external sharing functionality in SharePoint! Everyone you want can enjoy the App.
  • If you decide you do want a full native App on Android or iOS, the code is easily packaged as a real App.
This solution also has the following downsides:
  • You cant serve the manifest.json that is required for a full Progressive Web App with SharePoint (it doesn't serve JSON files at all). No manifest means no custom splashscreen, custom icon, or automatic install popup when you first enter the site. So basically you can only get half a PWA.
  • The App is a website and so does not have access to more advanced functionality of your phone. If you want better integration on a phone you would need to include those capabilities in the App and package it as an Android and iOS App. 
  • Offline mode only works in Chrome and Firefox (or any browser that supports serviceworkers). Microsoft and Apple are still working on this feature for their browsers. 
  • You will probably want to build this as an SPFx webpart later. For now full page apps arent yet possible in SPFx. PowerApps is another possibility to support offline use of SharePoint, but it has it's downsides as well.
  • When you host this App on SharePoint anonymous access is not possible.
This App was built using Ionic Framework, which is a framework that is build on top of Cordova and allows you to build phone apps in Angular. It uses SharePoint and Google Firebase as backend. Next to this SP PnP JS is used to easily post data to and fetch data from SharePoint. An Azure Function was created to fetch the vacancies from a third party API and store them in Firebase. Firebase is not necessary of course, you could do everything with just SharePoint. But eventually this App will not be hosted on SharePoint :-)

The following 'tricks' were needed to get this working:

Ionic PWA
See a previous post of mine that details how to build a Progressive Web App using Ionic2.

Upload files
Use the trusty old Internet Explorer and Explorer view in SharePoint to upload your Ionic app's www folder to the root folder of your site. NB: If you want to use a different SharePoint site than your O365 root site, you would need to make all the links used in your app server-relative, i.e. /sites/yoursite/index.html.

No Cors fetching of files to cache
Turns out that the default serviceworker included with the Ionic templates gives an error when deployed to SharePoint. This is because fetching the files required for offline use from SharePoint results in a few redirects that eventually gives an error because of Cross Origin Request Sharing (the redirects go to different domains like See this stackexchange post for my solution.

Online / offline detection 
I had some trouble correctly implementing the detection of going online or offline. The events would fire multiple times. This was due to the place where you registered for the events in your code and because Ionic seems to create multiple instances of pages. See this stackexchange post for my solution.

Let me know what you think about this post!

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Website with App experience using Ionic

We may already be in the heydays of mobile Apps, but you will still run into companies that want an App-experience for their (internal) products. For the cases in which you don't need any native phone capabilities and don't want to add an App into the Google or Apple stores there recently has been added (by Google) a new development paradigm called: Progressive Web Apps (PWA). PWAs are web sites (that run on the internet) that behave like a real App on a mobile phone (in the chrome browser on Android phones).
The Progressive Web App
.. is installed as an App so it shows in the Apps section of Android
.. has a nice icon on your android homescreen
.. starts with a splash screen
.. runs full screen.
.. can be used offline.

This blog demonstrates how you can build (from a sample solution) and deploy such a PWA to Azure websites. 
This has already been documented in other places better than I can do it so I will link to those places for further investigation, but write the steps to perform the deployment here aswell.
You can see the end result here . If you open that URL on an android phone, you will get a popup allowing you to install the App on your phone.

I will use the Ionic framework sample of their conference app, Visual studio 2017, an Azure account and a recent Android phone in order to build and deploy a working (sample) PWA.

First, as written on :
  1. Install NodeJS
  2. Open a Command window and install cordova and ionic with the command npm install -g cordova ionic
  3. In a directory of your choosing, create a new app with the command ionic start. This starts a menu that asks for a name for your project, fill it in and when you're asked which template to start from select the Conference app. This is a completely fleshed out and functioning ionic app.
  4. Change directory into the folder you created for the App and test the app by running the command ionic serve. Or connect your Android phone via USB cable and run ionic cordova run android. The latter will run your app on your phone with one command.
  5. Note the WWW folder of this app. All the necessary files are added here during building the project and the index.html can be opened in a browser and it will work as a desktop app.
  6. Now you have a working cordova app. But we wanted a PWA! What to do?
  7. In order to use your (well not your code, but you downloaded it fair and square!) code as a PWA, follow this article from Josh Morony.
  8. Do this:
    1. In index.html comment back in the script that loads servicework.js
    2. Also in index.html, remove the loading of the script cordova.js.
    3. Run the command: ionic cordova build --prod
    4. And you're done!
  9. But wait, didn't we need an Azure account for something? Yessir, we want to really test the PWA as a website in Azure. In order to deploy it easily and quickly we need to follow a few more steps.
  10. Open Visual Studio. Then click File -> Open --> Website. Select the WWW folder of your ionic app.
11. You need to do one more thing in order to get your PWA live. Right click your www folder and select Add -> Add new item. Select Web configuration file here. In the web.config file (you should be familiar with that btw!) add the following section inside <configuration>
      <mimeMap fileExtension=".js" mimeType="application/javascript" />
     <mimeMap fileExtension=".json" mimeType="application/json" />
     <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff" mimeType="application/font-woff" />
     <mimeMap fileExtension=".woff2" mimeType="font/woff2" />
You need to add this to the webconfig, otherwise the required files for your PWA will not be served by the Azure website.
12. Right click www again and now click Publish Web App and deploy to an Azure App service.
13. Your PWA is live! Visit the httpS URL with chrome on your Android phone, and you will get a popup asking it you want to install it as an App.
14. You now have a website with the added advantages detailed in the beginning of this article.
Full screen PWA on your phone.

NB: Once you installed the PWA on your phone and the delete it from your homescreen, you won't soon get another popup on the website. But maybe you want to demo the process to someone else later... To get the popup back follow these steps on your phone:
1.       Open Android Chrome.
3.       Click Enable

4.       Click Relaunch Now

PWA Popup in Chrome on Android phone

Azure Function with PnP - Missing Microsoft.IdentityModel.Extensions.dll

Let's say you want to build a Azure Function for site provisioning in SharePoint Online. You think, I could use the .Net PnP library for that! And you're right. However, I ran into the problem of a missing dll when trying to authenticate to SharePoint using App-only credentials.
It turns out the the Nuget packages for PnP are missing a dependency that is present on your developer environent but not with the Azure App service you deploy the Function to.
The file that is missing is Microsoft.IdentityModel.Extensions.dll.
This file is available in C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Microsoft.IdentityModel.Extensions\v4.0_2.0.0.0__69c3241e6f0468ca

In order to get the Azure Function working, add this file in a folder in your Azure function solution. Then click on it and in the properties window select Embedded resource for Build action and Copy always for Copy to output directory. This will make sure the dll is copied into the bin folder of the App service and that it is loaded when the Azure Function starts.

Hopefully this article helps someone in fixing this issue when using PnP in Azure Functions!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

SharePoint Online: New web service to scale images

I guess I was still in my wintersleep in Februari when this was released, but there is a new webservice available in SharePoint Online for rendering optimal-sized images for any device/screen resolution (image renditions don't work well for this )

You can use this in order to minimize the amount of bits sent to your users, especially for mobile users. Or you could use it to minimize the risk of terrible performance when a content editor adds a 6MB image to your site.

The location is . This location is virtual so the service exists in any site collection (NB. so also at )

If you read the following posts you can learn how to use it with a Path query variable pointing to the URL of the image or with three guids that identify the image file.

Image renditions available - this article also contains the available resolution codes.

Generate thrumbnail from URL in SharePoint

This is an example URL:

Note the Path query variable that holds a URL encoded locator of the file and the Resolution which should be a value from 0 to 6.

So you can easily use this new webservice in your display templates or other (JavaScript) code to allow a user a fast download of an optimal size image.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Run asynchronous code on schedule with Azure WebJobs

This short post describes how you can have a scheduled Azure WebJob that runs an asynchrouns method.

The problem with this scenario is that the WebJob, which is just a regular console application, cannot have an asynchronous Main method. So you need a way around that. Next to that you would to be able to trigger that method with a schedule.

In my solution I use a Settings.job text file that is in the root folder of the WebJob (Set copy to out put directory to 'Copy Always' in the properties of the file in Visual Studio.
The contents of the file contain JSON with a cron expression like so:
    "schedule": "0 0 6/12 * * *"
This is set to every twelve hours starting from 6:00. So far so good, and nothing you probably havent seen before or in other blogs.

Now suppose you used the Visual Studio template to generate the WebJob Project. This creates the main Program.cs file and also a Functions.cs file. The Functions file is meant for you to register yor methods that serve as triggers. I tried using the TimerTriggered function like below, but the result wasn't that good. If you Run and block the JobHost in the Program.cs (as is done in the VS template), this means that your job will always show a running state and the timertrigger will go off, but only if it's within the time out period of the webjob which is 120 seconds. So that is a crap solution.

Instead, define a manual trigger with the tag [NoAutomaticTrigger]. We will call this method from the Main method. Notice that this method is asynchronous. I use code in there to fetch from a API and save back to a different service that I already wrote and that is asynchronous.

public class Functions
        public static async Task TimerTriggered([TimerTrigger("0 0 6/12 * * *")] TimerInfo timer, TextWriter log)
            await Functions.RunJob(log);

        public static async Task ManualTrigger(TextWriter log)
            await Functions.RunJob(log);

Now, code your Main method in Program.cs to call and await the method, using the JobHost.CallAsync method inside a Task.Run delegate.

class Program
        static void Main()

            var host = new JobHost();
            Task aTask = Task.Run(() => host.CallAsync(typeof(Functions).GetMethod("ManualTrigger")));


The solution is to use the Task class to run and await the asynchronous method. With the JobHost.CallSync you can call the method in another class. Parameters like the TextWriter are passed by the JobHost.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Call any SharePoint REST API from Microsoft Flow

There is a much better way to call the SharePoint REST APIs now. A new action has been added to Microsoft Flow to do just that easily. See for more information.

You want to do an action on SharePoint Online from a Flow. But the action, that is supported in the SP REST API, is not yet available as an easily configurable action inside Microsoft Flow.
So you think, I should be able to use the HTTP action for this.

Well, you're right!

But how do you then authenticate to SharePoint Online? I tried to get a token from the supported SharePoint actions in Flow but these turn out to have been *sanitized*, ie. not usable in other actions.

I tried a bunch of things including using the OAuth authentication setting on the HTTP actions. But that required filling in the rather meaningless (to me at least) parameter Audience. I suppose this should be the App ID URI of microsoft flow in your AAD Tenant, but I wasn't able to find it.

Thank god for this article that I (re)found after useless trial and error: Access Sharepoint Online Using Postman by Shantha Kumar

The article explains in great deal how to authenticate and perform a call to any REST API endpoint inside SharePoint.

This is the general gist:
1. Register an App in SharePoint through the pages /_layouts/15/appregnew.aspx and appinv.aspx
This will give you a client-id, client-secret and on the page /_layouts/15/appprincipals.aspx you can find your tenant id (the guid after the @ sign)
2. Perform a HTTP post to<tenantid_guid>/tokens/OAuth/2
with headers
and in the body (remember the request is URL encoded, so it's just one big string, not JSON) a string like this:
3. Get the access token for the output of the previous HTTP action. Use a compose action, and enter something like this:
"@outputs('HTTP_2').body.access_token" where 'HTTP_2' is the name of your previous HTTP action with spaces replaced by underscores.
Use the output of the HTTP compose (that contains the Bearer token) as input for any REST API call into sharepoint.
For example, Perform a HTTP Post to https://<yoursubdomain>'Documents')/items(2)/roleassignments/addroleassignment(principalid=23,roledefid=1073741827)
with the following headers:
Authorization:Bearer [OutputFromComposeAction]
This will add List item permissions on a list item (if you have broken role inheritance on this item already and are passing valid values for list item id, principalid and roledefid)

Here are some screenshots how to do that in Microsoft Flow:
